IMPORTANT! Please Be Advised That You Can Only Pay By PayPal Until The End Of The Month. If You Try To Pay By Credit Card Before Then The Payment Will NOT Go Through. Thanks.
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Your 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
If you implement EVERYTHING I show you, and don't get your mushrooms to grow in the next 30 to 45 days, I'll 100% refund your investment and you can keep EVERYTHING (just send us a couple pictures show that you tried) - That's how confident I am! Terms & Conditions may apply.
"PERFECT mushroom growing bag with simple instructions and great customer service and On-time delivery. This is the PERFECT mushroom growing bag for the beginner like me. I just followed the directions and the results far better than my expectations"
- Justin
"I found so much complicated and confusing information on growing mushrooms and then I found Oliver's Curative Mushrooms Grow Guide and I had mushrooms growing in no time..."
- Linda
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Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.
"I have to admit, after trying a few other brands with little yields I was not expecting much from the Boom Block. When they arrived at my house I instantly knew this company was different. The bag is full of natural organic material (even bits of grass) and the spores took over quickly. I'm now harvesting my second fruiting (first produced approx 22-23g dried)."
- Robert
"I wanted to grow culinary mushrooms in my kitchen for the health benefits and I had no idea, what-so-ever, how to go about doing that. Seemed to be a very 'daunting task'... Curative Mushrooms really explained to me how easily mushroom can be grown..."
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IMPORTANT! Please Be Advised That You Can Only Pay By PayPal Until The End Of The Month. If You Try To Pay By Credit Card Before Then The Payment Will NOT Go Through. Thanks.
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